Robert Bobnič | V iskanju strojnega časa

Na primeru projekta Zanke v prenosu se bo predavanje po poteh medijsko-arheološke-tehno-epistemologije najprej nanašalo na razumevanje časa znotraj tehnološko mediirane in avtomatizirane zvočne procesualnosti. Na tej podlagi bo v drugem delu predavanja možno na bolj specifičen način razmišljati o rekurzivni in afektivni ekonomiji (časa) digitalnih kultur in estetik. Pri tem se bo izhajalo iz pojmovanja zanke kot potencialno nenadzorovanega afekta.


Robert Bobnič

Robert Bobnič is a researcher at the Centre for Cultural and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, and a PhD student in Media Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. His PhD dissertation focuses on the study of algorithms and automation in the field of cultural consumption. In the past, he has worked as an editor at V.B.Z. publishing house (2018–2020), editor of the cultural editorial office at Radio Študent (2013–2016), chief editor of Tribuna (2011–2012). He was also a member of the editorial board of ŠUM Journal for Contemporary Art Criticism and Theory (2018–2019), among others.

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