Saša Spačal in Matic Potočnik | Liminoid


Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik: Liminoid
Augmented and virtual experience of disintegrating subjectivity | new media installation
December 5 – 8 2018

SCHEDULE: The installation can be experienced individually, free time slots are available here:
To reserve a time slot please write to

Liminoid is a portal which triggers a transition between virtual and augmented realities, thus leading to the experience of disintegrating subjectivity. In the context of anthropology, the term liminoid state describes the experience of the liminal stage of a transient selfhood that occurs during rites of passage. Much like liminality in tribal cultures, the liminoid experience, which signifies contemporary society, is achieved through a three-phase passage of separation from the old self, a transitional phase that is characterized by ambiguity and disorientation, and finally a phase of incorporation and the formation of new perspectives. This three-fold experience in Liminoid is reflected in the dramaturgy of the visual experience in the virtual / augmented reality headset, although the artists do not simply translate mental processes by visual means. Liminoid is thus not merely a simulation of the liminoid stage, but instead offers a number of augmented and virtual twists on it, thus making possible the realization of post-structural concepts such as the disintegration of subjectivity, the becoming, the virtual, the immersion and identification. The experience offers an intense and even rather unpleasant sensation of uncertainty, anxiety and existential fear. Liminoid thus represents potentiality, and the participant is in for a surprise.

Produced by Ljudmila, Art and Science Laboratory. Project production (2014) and upgrade (2018) was supported by Ljubljana City Municipality (MOL) – Department of Culture. The project is part of EASTN-DC Network, which is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.


Saša Spačal

Saša Spačal is an intermedia artist and a graphic designer with background in humanities, who has expanded her knowledge of computer graphics, web and video production at various workshops. She is currently working in the fields of graphic design, real-time interactive visualization and intermedia art, trying to connect various technological and biological organisms. She has taken part in exhibitions and projects in Moderna galerija, Galerija Škuc and Galerija Alkatraz. As a member of Temp group she had participated in public interventions and installations, in the development of strategies for alternative use of abandoned spaces, and in exhibitions Odprti Rog, Pogovarjanja/Conversations/Conversas, Mapiranje/arhiviranje/analiziranje izginulih prostorov umetnosti. As a researcher, she had taken part in the international research project Performing the City. Art Actionism in Public Space in 1960s/1970s that had made its rounds in Munich, Naples, Sao Paulo, and Paris. Her interactive installations were presented at various international exhibitions and festivals such as Haip festival – Ljubljana, Enter 5: Datapolis – Prague, AmberFest’11: Next Ecology – Istanbul, De:sonanz 2012 – Skopje, Device_art 4.012. – Zagreb, Device_art 4.013 – Prague and Enter 6: Biopolis – Prague. Currently she is developing several new projects that focus on interfaces between living and technological organisms in collaboration with Kapelica Gallery, Multimedia Center Kibla and Ljudmila – Ljubljana digital media lab. In the field of interactive visualization and sound design she is developing strategies for usage of physical interfaces for generating sound and visuals as a member of Theremidi Orchestra. Together with Ida Hiršenfelder she is developing ČIPke platform, an initiative for researching the conditions of women who are active in the context of science, technology and media art. ČIPKe platform will open a space for conversation about women working in these fields and try to form a women friendly hackerspace with practical educational programs.

Matic Potočnik

Matic Potočnik is a computer scientist working in software development and analysis who has collaborated with various artists, from Saša Spačal to Matej Stupica and Jaka Berger, Tilen Sepič and Dominik Mahnič.

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